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Predicated upon a Research through Practice methodology, the program offers, in parallel to the development of the Design Studio (ARC407) a Digital Survey class (ARC571) introducing students to contemporary imaging practices, digital animation techniques and video compositing workflows.

The class is organized around a series of parallel workshops and lectures. If in the former students will acquire proficiency in a wide array of cutting-edge techniques, in the latter - through a critical understanding of the histories of these modes of representation, of the social and political contexts from which they were developed, the students will begin to recognize their impact on our contemporary culture.

“Technology is not mere tool making and tool use: it is the making of metaphores. In making a tool, we instantiate a certain reading of the world that, thus reified, is capable of achieving certain effects in the world. It thus becomes another moving part of our understanding of the world - if, often, unconsciously […] To think again or anew, we need to re-enchant our tools”

—  James Bridle, A New Dark Age (2018)

________The Digital Survey class is structured around the following - broadly defined - areas of investigation __________


________This first section will introduce workflows and techniques that articulate modeling as a practice entangled between volumetric and planar strategies and sensibilities__________________

________This second section is preoccupied with articulating imaging practices reaching across digital and physical materialities. Contemporary surveying technologies will be used to develop an attitude towards site and building in existing  conditions_______

____________________________________________________________across digital and physical materialities. Contemporary surveying technologies will be used



________This second section is preoccupied with articulating imaging practices reaching ____________________________________________________________to develop an attitude towards site and building in existing  conditions___

________The final section will focus on the medium of the moving image as a site of design to multiply existing and projective narratives of a given context. Workflows of Video compositing will be introduced to further problematize ideas of storytelling from multiple-point of views_____________


Click here to download the Syllabus of ARC571 Digital Survey in pdf format.
This document includes all Seminar and University Policies

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