in Maremma
2022: A Space Odyssey
Project by:
Nick Wang & Lannie Lan
We believe the sacred space has nothing to do with religion, the sacred inhabits the space itself, hidden in the material. In the gap between the "downwardness" of history and the "upward building" of human beings, the project will celebrate the divinity of the space and the material itself.
These collages are based on the theme "If Mussolini Lived another 500 Years", which we explored at the beginning of the design. If Bonifica continues to promote, a large number of residents will pour into Grosetto from the north. Countless skyscrapers will rise, and history will be buried beneath the surface. Humans have always had a longing for anit-gravity, and breaking the "downwardness" brought by gravity has always been the dividing line between superhumans and humans. But then the question is what is between Gravity and Anti Gravity? With such doubts, we try to "compromise" and "attack" with Gravity and Anti Gravity in our design.
These collages are based on the theme "If Mussolini Lived another 500 Years", which we explored at the beginning of the design. If Bonifica continues to promote, a large number of residents will pour into Grosetto from the north. Countless skyscrapers will rise, and history will be buried beneath the surface. Humans have always had a longing for anit-gravity, and breaking the "downwardness" brought by gravity has always been the dividing line between superhumans and humans. But then the question is what is between Gravity and Anti Gravity? With such doubts, we try to "compromise" and "attack" with Gravity and Anti Gravity in our design.
The building has Thermal Complex, Sauna Room, Cold Bath etc. and are scattered on three levels: underground, ground, and halfway up the mountain. To create a sacred space, we extensively used the strategy of "narrow and dim aisle + bright large space". Water, as the key element, shuttles in different spaces, from underground to the top of the mountain, from outdoor to indoor, from nature to human being tamed and back to nature. While the project itself becomes a series of intermediate venues, the interior experience is like a Sisyphus journey. Architecture becomes the subject and human beings become the existence of objective gaze and experience.